Grand Tetons & Jackson Hole
After Old Faithful we decided to head south and after a long drive to the south gate and getting to view a huge forest fire in the distance, we exited Yellowstone and headed into the Grand Tetons. The scenery is very different and I enjoyed the Grand Tetons so much more then Yellowstone. These massive snow topped peaks rise straight up and are as rugged as any mountains we have seen in the Northwest. Add these mountains as a back drop to the beautiful blue waters of Jackson Lake and you wish you could just stay and look at this scene forever.

Jackson Hole was another one of those places that you hear a lot about with the movie stars everywhere and the warnings of how expensive everything is but on our visit we did not discover either of these. When we first drove into the area you see the town sitting in this small bowl surrounded by steep peaks and I was struck how small it looked. Once in town we realized how pretty and clean it was and found a hotel for the night just off of the river. After dropping off our gear, we walked a few blocks into town and found a great Mexican restaurant for a late lunch and then walked around town to check out the stores.

We later visited the Jackson Hole museum which has a nice collection and even the museum building itself is a piece of architectural art.