
The conference center was a short walk from our hotel and gave us a chance to wander through a park each morning. There were so many nations represented and this created a hot time at the general assemble meeting which I ended up sitting in as the secretary to take minutes. When it was done, I felt a bit like being in a street brawl.

Kiwis like to party and have fun so after the conference, Susan and I headed out for dinner, drinks and to shoot some pool with a group of friends. While eating dinner, someone came running in and said a girl had just been hit by a car. If you are going to get hit by a car, you might as well do it while one American doctor, three nurses and one health care facility director are just a few feet away knocking back beers. It ended up that a group of teens from the UK were crossing the street and one girl got hit, but was not really hurt. I ended up taking the groups pictures and everyone was fine, no worries.

We visited a great college of arts called the Art Centre that also houses a number of galleries and while wondering the grounds, we noticed that it was graduation day. Graduates in gowns and families were everywhere with lots of smiles and pictures being taken all around. Christchurch was fun but we were looking forward to returning to Auckland.