Down to Business

Monday morning we met as a board and covered a tremendous amount of ground with reports from all the committee chairpersons as well as a report on the International Conference in Romania and the 2010 International Conference to be held in Taiwan. From my perspective, one of the most striking aspects of Pam's leadership is the giant leap forward in ideas and the projects that go along with those ideas. Not to take away from the past presidents, but Pam has extremely elevated IPWSO's scope and goals to make IPWSO a true world organization instead of a group of dedicated individuals. She also has been tenacious in her drive for fund raising and even though the financial burden is still mostly on the U.S., some other nations are starting to step up and heed her call.

This evening we went to dinner at a Thai restaurant which was a lot of fun. With Dorica on my left and Tiina on my right, I discovered that Dorica was not too adventurous when it came to foods that she did not recognize. As the son of a Swede, I know haw Scandinavians eat most everything with a fork and knife and when Tiina found out that there were no knives available, she looked at me and ask , "do we had to eat with our hands?" Good thing for us there was plenty of wine to fill the void. As I stated before, it is not an IPWSO meeting unless Giorgio is singing so he grab a guitar and sang. Again with the Italian lost love songs but this time a group of Japanese in the restaurant ended up joining in on the group singing. You had to see it to believe it. What fun!