Mrs. Prader-Willi

Imagine Scarlet from Gone with the Wind, then add the gentleness of Mother Teresa, the intelligence of Einstein, the resolve of a Marine and the constant movement of the Energizer Bunny and you have Pam Eisen. What a privilege it was to spend time with Pam at her home with old and new friends as well as getting the chance to see the sites around Harrisburg, PA. What a treat!

When I first met Pam some 15 years ago, I thought who is this tiny sweet woman who seems to always be smiling and is never at a loss for encouraging words for anyone she comes in contact with. Well, looks can be deceiving and inside that petite woman beats the heart of a lion. What she has done and continues to do for IPWSO is simply amazing. I cannot even begin to imagine where IPWSO would be without her leadership and all that she has done for this organization. She might have tiny feet but when she retires as President, finding someone to fill those gigantic shoes will be a major feat (feet?).

The pictures that follow are just a glimpse of the wonderful time, people and area that I experienced last March. The trip started off with me flying into Philly, renting a car and driving up to see Peder in Langhorne on Easter Sunday. I picked him up, had breakfast and then attended the Easter Service at Bucks County Community Church.