50's Mercury Cruisers

Fifty, nice round number, half a century, mid point to reaching one hundred.  In terms of age it is wonderful for wines and brandies and for a Chevy, it is damn near perfect. Now, for a human being, many who for some reason worry what others thing about their age, it is another story. If you ask a teenager, they will say 50 is ancient while to other more ah.....mature individuals, it is just the start of living.

So where does that leave us who have just turned 50? Should we consider this milestone a bad thing even though it out of our control, or should we pretend it really didn't happen?  We could try to cover up the signs and have them temporarily fixed or altered but that doesn’t really fool anyone so where does that leave us?

As the saying goes, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” (I bet you thought I was going to say “Life’s a Bitch”) so going we did, onto a Celebrity Cruise for 3 days to party in the Canuck’s gone Wild, anything goes ports of that exotic land, Vancouver Island!  Throw in a 5’3” Aussie as our guide, a floating casino, over priced drinks, Cuban Cigars and you know that 50 is gonna get a beat down.

September 2006